Is this ok for a QT?

4.5" or so. It's all temporary while I move things around to fit a 40b

Ouch.. That has got to suck for the trigs.
Thats good... Get a 40 b asap! 4.5 inch triggers can be nasty things when they are angry (had an idiot friend who had a bluejaw in his 35 gallon with a snowflake eel, three days after the trigger was added the eels head was in the overflow)
Had two 3.5" Crosshatches in a 40 gallon breeder for around 7 weeks.

Water was nasty at the end... they eat A LOT. Might even be pushing it at 4.5". I used stability everyday as well.
Do you keep QT tanks up and running all the time, in preparation for an unexpected fish purchase, or do you only set it up when you are expecting to get a fish?

Also do you have a separate tanks hospital QT and newly purchased fish QT?
Do you keep QT tanks up and running all the time, in preparation for an unexpected fish purchase, or do you only set it up when you are expecting to get a fish?

Also do you have a separate tanks hospital QT and newly purchased fish QT?
No, I don't keep ant QT running. I only set it up as needed. I don't have a big place to keep a dedicated qt/HT running. It's something I'd like to do once we move, but not feasible in our current residence.
No, I don't keep ant QT running. I only set it up as needed. I don't have a big place to keep a dedicated qt/HT running. It's something I'd like to do once we move, but not feasible in our current residence.

That's what I do.
Not too hard, uncycled Qt just requires a lot of constant attention because if that ammonia level becomes readable, fish are going to die very quickly.
Normally keep ours running... but have been redoing our downstairs office with a large frag rack for 2 - 20 longs, 2 - 20 standards and 2 - 40 breeders.

Also setting up a 150 gallon frag tank in that room, so just been busy.

Finished plumbing the frag tank last night, so after filling up and testing we'll get the QTs setup again.
Do you keep QT tanks up and running all the time, in preparation for an unexpected fish purchase, or do you only set it up when you are expecting to get a fish?

Also do you have a separate tanks hospital QT and newly purchased fish QT?
It is easy to keep a sponge filter or the bio wheel from a penguin bio wheel filter in the sump of your display tank to keep a cycled filter ready for those spur of the moment purchases.