Is this worm safe?


Premium Member
Hey guys,
I found this worm in my tank tonight while trying to catch a hidden crab and was wondering if he is safe or not. When fully extended he was about 1 foot long. He does not look like most of the other bristle worms that I have had in the past, so I would prefer to error on the side of caution.




Does the head have 5 "spikes" sticking out? If so, it's a eunicid ("Bobbit" worm), which is no good.

Nonetheless, any worm that's a foot long is too big...If I found that in one of my tanks, he'd be fertilizing my bougainvillas.
Hey guys, thanks for the responses. I was looking around last night and thought of the Eunicid as well. It has all the characteristics that I have seen but i cannot see the spikes. So then I thought maybe it was in the Phyllodocidae family, but its hard for me to find anything either way.

Anyway, I have to agree with both of you, it is out of the tank in a plastic cup right now and will probably stay that way.
Maybe im strange but they dont give me the creeps. Are there any larger worms that are safe for the reef tank and the reef keeper?
Someone over in the invert section said its a Oenone fulgida. Basically it really enjoys snacking on my snails, and clams. Maybe this is why my clam died after the frag swap and snails are dwindling down?