IS's tank

Is anyone can help me where I can order the 40 schedule white tubing. It must be clean and no scrape. Thank you.

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Damn u IS, I thought my tank setup was so awesome, and now I feel like I just did a Captain Kangaroo job on my wiring. Guess its time to rewire! Thanks for the ideas.
nice coming along. I live in Taiwan as well. Did you take any action to avoid cracking of the tank when the next earthquake hits?

I had a overflow tube breaking once and was not really happy with that.
Yes, I put some cushions around the tank. I think it will be fine when the earthquake coming.

I am still waiting my tubing and hope everything will be fine.


You sir have the dedication to perfection I see. Do you ever mess up on something like the rest of us?! :D

When you've finished that there's another one in pieces here in the UK for you to assemble :lol:

One question, you know your probe holder pipe on the front of the sump, is a pump being attached to that to keep the water moving through it?



Damnnnn!!! I don't usually say that but its needed in this case.

I love how you incorporated the chiller coils into your sump.
The water will come out from the overflow and go straight
through the pipe so I don't need extra pump.