Issue with 3155



I have a unit that is 9 months old or so that is filling up past the electronic eye but not going as far as to trip the secondary float valve and trigger the high water alarm.

Another issue is when I turn it off to do the water change, when I turn it back on it pumps water for about 30 seconds.

Other then taking it off, cleaning with a vinegar solution and putting it back on, is there a way to reset it?



This may be normal. When you first turn it on it should run the pump for about 20 seconds, there after on every fill it overfills for about 15 seconds. The first is a deliberate run of the pump so you can verify it functions and is primed when you first connect it. The overfills add about 1 cup extra water so it is not filling for every small level change. If this is a very small tank, open the controller and turn the pump speed to "nano" so half the amount of water is added during this time.