Issue with 9410


New member
We have a Tunze 9410 on my wifes 150g tank. It is in a chamber in the sump with 7.5" of water. The docs say 4-8" of water for the skimmer to operate properly.

If I open the air valve completely it just turns into a foaming mess. Any setting save nearly starving it for air still generates large amounts of heavy foam comes oozing out of the collection cup.

It's been in operation choked back for 3 months now and still cannot be run wide open as recommended.

Any thoughts on how to resolve this? It pulls nice dark skim-mate, but generates large amounts of foam that doesn't collapse.

Also does anyone know of a place to get an addition filter sock?
The socks should be mostly rinse and reuse, it is a standard 4" sock, out part number 9410.200, you can order it on

It sounds like the skimmer works properly but foam escapes the breather vents on the top edges of the cup?
I've been rinsing it but it has turned a brownish color. I figured soaking it for a few days in mild bleach would clean it well. So I was going to get another and rotate it out.

As for the foam, yes a significant amount of foam.
Their is a simple fix for this, use a paper towel or a q tip dipped in vegetable oil and smear a very thin film on the outer edge of the lid of the cup, the bubbles will pop as soon as they touch the oil.
You can also try lowering the adapter ring or raising the skimmer. This will lower the water level internally so you can remove the clamp on the air line.