Issues with dos and lps


New member
I'm not sure what's going on in my tank I have a small birdsnest frag that is bleaching from the base up and is spreading quick, and my open brain hasn't been open for 2 days or so. I just checked my parameters with Red Sea test kits and everything is good.

8/29 results

Sg 1.025
Amm 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
Phos .03
Alk 9
Cal 430
Mag 1360

I started dosing nopox 2 weeks ago at a very small amount which brought my nitrates from 10-12ppm to 5ppm. I also cut in half the amount of gfo I use yesterday thinking maybe with the nopox and gfo it was pulling to much phosphate out of the water. The tank is around 50-55 gallons total volume and other then the nopox nothing has been changed in at least a month.