It doesn't get much worse!


New member
Possibly the worst day of my reefkeeping life! Today I was changing out my closed loop pump when I busted plumbing connection to my return pump. Suddenly the sound of gushing water from under my stand made my heart skip a beat. All in slow motion I glanced under the stand to see the return pump transformed into a fountain, emptying my sump onto the floor while showering everything electrical. :mad2:

I spent the rest of the day cleaning up and tearing out all my electrical power strips. Still too soon to see if I can salvage the X10 modules that were soaked. The powerstrips I won't even bother with. On the plus side, all my ballasts were kept remote and I had the sense not to reach into the gushing water to shut stuff off. Also good my girlfriend wasn't home to see that mahem :eek1:
yup brings back some scary nights for me too. I also had that happened but it was my overflow line that broke and in the middle of the night. I would say just replace the units. I almost had a fire once when I reused a light strip that I thought was fine then 1hr later is was smoking.
Check my gallery for the way that I set up my electrical panel... Much better than those power strips... All set up with GFCI so everything shuts off and wont short out your components.

I remember one day when a power strip electrocuted my sump, and my hand... fun fun fun
Ken, sorry to hear your bad experience.

Frank, how much do you believe in GFCI? no offend but there is anyway we can do real experience with those GFCIs. I do know the manufacturee test them before they ship them out. But during the shipping and handling, there might be always something goes wrong. I almost hear about the electrical problem once a month due to Power Strip didn't strip. And I do believe that the GFCI does have life time "pop-up" that means if you test it once month, the max time pops up is 20 times, after that I don't know what happens when it is supposed to pop.

I am lucky enough that I can test the power strip or Circuit Breaker before I install them by using my company equipment. Here are just some experiments that I did with some Mil CBs.

Designator Value Min Time Max Time Actual Time Actual Amps Result

CB36A (30A PYLON STA 1 ECM) 30.0 5.0 20.0 17.04 59.91 Pass

CB6 (5A PYLON STA 1 ECM) 5.0 5.0 20.0 9.96 10.00 Pass

CB28C (5A COMPT COOLING) 5.0 5.0 20.0 10.35 10.20 Pass

C,DCS, 100.0 mA, >MIN, <5.000 Ohms, minDwell=0.000s, maxDwell=1.000s

An Open or High resistance has been detected while testing continuity
through breaker CB13. Repair or replace breaker as required and retest.
CB13 (10A PYLON STA 3 AGM-65 EO BB) overload test will be skipped.
Ken, if that's as bad as its gotten then consider your self lucky. I've got a old Amp Master 3000 out in the garage if you need to borrow it.
Here ya go F-18


I wired it using 10-2 cable, and a gfci on both ends starting with a switch. House components are much more reliable than any power strip, or any thing that plugs into an outlet.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6886686#post6886686 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Frankysreef
Here ya go F-18


I wired it using 10-2 cable, and a gfci on both ends starting with a switch. House components are much more reliable than any power strip, or any thing that plugs into an outlet.

Nice set up!