It is bad to exceed the 420ppm Ca reading?


Active member
I have been testing my params for the past few days using a Salifert Kit and it constantly reads 600ppm. My Ca dosing regimen includes a combination of Kalkwasser drip and B-Ionic.. as for corals, I have a few (4-7) thriving colonies of Montipora and Acropora species but they're not too big.

Is it critically bad to have Ca readings this high? How can I get it to drop to normal (420ppm) reading? The corals seem to like it though - they all have white tips and the polyp extension (PE) is amazing.

I appreciate your input
what is your alkalinity?

while its not bad to exceed 420, 600 is way too high and your alk is likely really low, which is VERY BAD.

stop dosing bionic for now, keep dripping the kalk, and keep an eye on your alk.