It this tank thick enough? Need Advice!


Premium Member
I live overseas in Japan and the costs of large tanks are depressing. :eek2: I found a custom manufacture here that will make an acrylic tank 70" X 24" X 24" but the sides are 10mm thick and the bottom is 8mm thick. Is that thick enough? Will I have trouble with that tank in the future?

Thanks in advance for the help!
The tank that Dastank is talking about has a 3 inch eurobrace around it and two 4 inch center braces. I might add that the center braces look like they double thickness. To go for 1/2 inch thick instead of 3/8 (10mm) will bump the price up $500 for a nice total of $1500. After checking with other companies, it seems that 10 mm is a normal thickness they use but I still think it is a little to thin and problems might appear in the future.
Personally, I would not consider less than 1/2". Sure it will work, but thicker is better. How much would 3/4" be?

What is your peace of mind worth?
Industry standard for the that height is 1/2"...the thickness is determined by heigth...I would have then add 1" to the Eurobrace and you should be good to go in my opinion
Acrosteve- a 180 made from 3/4 would run around $3500 here. One thing I have seen on some of the tanks here is they put a 45 degree angle on the side before gluing them together which basically doulbes the surface area. Another thing I have seen is putting a triangle piece of acrylic on the inside seams running from the bottom to the top of the tank.

Bigfalcon - Thanks for the reply. I wish I could order a tank form the states but the shipping would kill me. I suppose the only thing to do is to suck it up and spend the extra cash.
Hey Jeff I know this is out of topic but how was Japan last night? as far as them winning the world classic, I was going for Cuba but oh well.