Items for sale...

Was at your Feb swap... why can't I get tanks etc at the prices you folks have down there up in Chicago?? LOL I just need to figure out how to take it on as carry on I guess...
yeah i have been selling some frags but the proceeds have gone too wedding bills.

I have plans to setup a 120 by Dec. after all our wedding stuff and other peoples weddings that is my goal to get that setup.
Hey Jess congrats!!!!
I know how you feel, my wedding was not too long
ago. It can be fun but so time consuming, so many decisions and so little time!!!
Goodluck, and just's all about the Bride!
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i am actually excited i think she wants to try a nano tank of her own. she saw the tank of the month and wants a little tank for the office.

i told her that is cool i'll give her all the corals and i'll get rock but she has to do the research regarding the care and stuff. I'm hoping that will get her into the hobby more and excited about a large reef.

cross your fingers.
Update....Still available....

1. Octopus NW-150 NW Protein Skimmer $150 (Brand New)
2. U-Tube overflow $20 (beleive to be 600gph....used)
3. MJ 400 (Brand New)
4. 2 Sets of Nano-Reef Part A & B Ion & Buffer - 16 oz.
$10 each set (Never Used)
5. Remora w/ MJ1200 and Preskimmer box $80

The DART is pending payment, if that deal falls thru there's about 3 people in line for it.

In a few days if nothing sells locally, I will be shipping!
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