Items for sale.


New member
Wife wants her parking spot back.

First one gets it. $400

Includes Tank, Stand, and Top piece. Will also throw in about 100# of sand.

I have a 170 gal tenacor acrylic tank for sale. It is the Vista corner model. It will include the stand, tank, and hood (more of a top trim) for $650. Tank/

I also have a metal halide setup. It has two black reefstar reflectors, a dual 250W output ballast, also includes some extra bulbs. Currently using two 10k bulbs, has a 6500 bulb, a 14k bulb and 13k extra. $300.

Current USA 30" dual power compact with 1 white bulb and 1 actnic bulb and built in white leds. $65

Custom SeaLife 2x55 Watt power compact ballast. $40
The links I posted are working for me, though they look pretty similar to your links. Hopefully they'll work for everyone else.