items for sale


florida guru
since my return, i have had time to clean out the closet, so i am parting with some items-- i will post pics directly to email accounts for those that are interested--i'm working on purchasing a new light fixture--

here's my list
55 gallon canopy----25.00

48" reflector( will easily accept several t-5's or three vho's--only used for 2 weeks,still new)--25.00

chavet timer( was used to run powerheads at intervals)--20.00

aro ballast(practically new--only used for 1 month---has vho end caps attached and already wired to go)---50.00

several diy wired pony ballasts(can be used for spares)7.00 each

20 gallon frag tank or nano set-up( 20 gallon tank(sides and back painted black) canopy, stand and 130 watt pc light fixture, complete with h.o.t magnum canister filter and rio 800 powerhead)---175.00

also have a koralia 4 powerhead( missing outer magnet)---25.00

i also have a xxx-large montipora frag(marty has a frag of it) it is 11" long and 8.5" wide----75.00
well apparently no-one needs what i'm getting rid of, so i'll box it up and drop it off at recycling plant---thanks for looking though