It's a sickness.

Got the baffles / sock holder in place, cut the holes, now I just need to route the edges.Got the baffles / sock holder in place, cut the holes, now just need to give it a final trim along the edges.
That sump looks awesome. I wish I had your skills. With the sock holder in the center, I'm having a hard time understanding the flow and layout of things.

Could you explain that portion a bit?
Sure, so the drain is on the left, it will come down, bottom out on the bottom of the sump, then over into the socks, it'll then go through the socks and over the last baffle and into the return section. The skimmer will also be in the drain section since regardless of evaporation it will always run at the same level and remain consistent. I just realized I didn't take a pic of the final baffle in place. Here is all the baffles in place.
Caffeine headache plus a loud router in my ear is a bad combo but, I'm getting it done. Still need to add the front and top piece along with some more trimming.
Stand is about 98% done. Just need to get some malamine edging for the outside of the door and on the front part of the stand. . .
It's cool to think that not too long ago this thing was just a sheet of acrylic, wood or laminate waiting to be cut up and made into something. I'm very happy with how this is coming out so far.

Beautiful - but I strongly recommend you add active ventilation to your stand. I learned the hard way with my Solana (modded with sump), I had a big 6" hole in the back for plumbing but still grew lots of mold!

I ended up drilling two 4" holes in the back of the cabinet (diagonally opposed) and mounted simple USB-powered computer fans to actively push and pull air in and out of the cabinet. Dry as a bone! I used two 120mm 44cfm fans, but 80mm fans at ~20cfm each would probably have done the job.
Not too much of an update, haven't had time to take the glass to the glass shop to have it cut down. Bought an RO unit over the weekend, the bracket had seen better days, so stripped all the paint, wire wheeled and sanded the rust then primed and painted it. Not too bad for only having $30 invested in it so far. My little tiny 4 stage rodi next to my friend Joeys (planefanatic) 10 stage city water treatment plant. .