ive got a ric. florida problem :(


New member
hi there, ive got a green ric that came with three mouths. Ive heard that this is done in prep for splitting. But, that was several months ago. I have plenty of light, all the other corals i have are growing insanely. anybody know what im talking about?
its in the middle of the tank, and 3 maxi jet steams converge about 3 inches above it so it gets plenty of random flow
Just because it has 3 mouths does not mean it will be splitting. Mine split without developing a mouth at all, then it developed a mouth a few days later.

They take a very long time to split, so if you want something that grows quick... rics are not the answer.
you could cut it a little to help it along. There are some posts to help you along, I'd do a search.
Do you ever feed it? If you want to get serious growth from Ricordea you are going to need to target feed it.

Lots of mine have multiple mouths, but haven't split in about a year. Some that I got had 1 mouth, now they have 2. I had a rock with 4 rics on it, all had 1 mouth. 4 months later there were 6 of them. I never knew they split.

If you want to try you can cut it. Leave 1 mouth for each polyp. I had on get torn during shipping. The rock was pressed up against the bad and sandwiched a ric, almost severed it. So I cut the rest off. After a week it healed and I had 2.
I've heard from my coworker the other day that you can simply take a razor blade and slice the ric between mouths without removing them from the rock. Apparently they'll both heal into two rics and slowly seperate from each other. He mentioned that he thought he heard the tip from something Eric Borneman wrote, so if that is true then its from pretty credible source I'd say. Neither of us have tried it though, so I can't say from experience whether it works. It sure sounds like it would though. Anyone try it before?
There is a good chance it'll just grow back together if you don't split them apart.

Cut it off the rock leaving a decent chunk of the foot behind. Then split the cap in half. Now you'll have three if there isn't any issues with them healing.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8348492#post8348492 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fishnut321
its in the middle of the tank, and 3 maxi jet steams converge about 3 inches above it so it gets plenty of random flow

Exactly why I asked, they like low flow IME.