I wanted to share a few dive pics from our latest trip. Diving in Jamaica isn't the greatest but it's comparable to many places in the Caribbean. This was our 2nd trip to Negril, the first time we ever returned to the same resort. The biggest issues are over fishing and excessive nutrient load from surface runoff. We didn't see many large fish and the ones we did see were usually in fish traps, including a lot of herbivorous tangs. Fishing regulations in Jamaica are not enforced. This all adds up to a lot of macro-algae growth, which is a bit out of control. There are still a lot of small reef fishes but even these guys are under pressure now. The invasive lionfish population has skyrocketed. We saw them on every dive, including some the size of a basketball! However, there is still good diving to be had. The LPS, soft corals, and sponge life are still in really good shape. There is also big stuff: large rays, nurse sharks, and the occasional turtle. We go more for the beach then the diving but its so relaxing and carefree that we usually get in at least one tank a day. If you want to see more pics there are about 50 more on my flickr page.
IMG_7453 by nickgrant79, on Flickr
IMG_7428 by nickgrant79, on Flickr
IMG_7362 by nickgrant79, on Flickr
IMG_7352 by nickgrant79, on Flickr
IMG_7339 by nickgrant79, on Flickr
IMG_7238 by nickgrant79, on Flickr
IMG_7220 by nickgrant79, on Flickr
IMG_7161 by nickgrant79, on Flickr
IMG_7160 by nickgrant79, on Flickr
IMG_7028 by nickgrant79, on Flickr[/IMG]
IMG_7453 by nickgrant79, on Flickr
IMG_7428 by nickgrant79, on Flickr
IMG_7362 by nickgrant79, on Flickr
IMG_7352 by nickgrant79, on Flickr
IMG_7339 by nickgrant79, on Flickr
IMG_7238 by nickgrant79, on Flickr
IMG_7220 by nickgrant79, on Flickr
IMG_7161 by nickgrant79, on Flickr
IMG_7160 by nickgrant79, on Flickr
IMG_7028 by nickgrant79, on Flickr[/IMG]