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Anyone with an actual jawbreaker with experience in cutting them
It's just a mushroom, same as any other. The only difference is it has a fancy name which the mushroom itself doesn't know.
Anyone with an actual jawbreaker with experience in cutting them
It's just a mushroom, same as any other. The only difference is it has a fancy name which the mushroom itself doesn't know.
It's just a mushroom, same as any other. The only difference is it has a fancy name which the mushroom itself doesn't know.
It might be a mushroom. But I know it took 3-5 months to attach. I heard of them melting. So I disagree that it's as easy as any other mushroom
Just like speckled krak Zoas are a little harder to keep then pink and goals. Both Zoas. One has a fancy name but maybe it knows it
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Welp if you are a gambling man or really need that $100 bill then cut away.... I don't frag stuff in my tank unless I really need to.
I love to gamble. Betting 1000 on pats. Wish me luck
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Nice I will be in Tahoe over the weekend (annual guys trip)
I will be betting a few hundo's on Ram's.... Wish me luck. Or is that counter productive?
Question is should I cut it
Anyone with an actual jawbreaker with experience in cutting them
I know when you post online you always get people bored who want to annoy you
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Some people don't like the name game, and like to grump about it any chance they get. Including pushing their feelings into threads where it isn't asked for or really welcome. I'd just ignore them. I get the desire to frag, but as murph said too, they push out babies on their own. Cutting will result it two parts needing to heal, and with enough babies around, why would anyone buy a frag? Take myself as an example, not an owner yet, but I'm in the market for one. I'd rather buy an all yellow baby than half of one with other colors already developed. A whole shroom is less risk than half.
That sure is a nice looking mushroom! I want one too, but I ain't rich like you.
I'll have to find a fellow reefer with a baby I guess. WWC had a nice one up for sale for 1100.00???
Also I had mine for over a year. It simple hasn't made one baby yet
I do have it under really high light
Where do you keep yours and how long you had it when it started making babies
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