Jawfish article, Excellent!


New member
Great article, I really enjoyed it.

Is it possible to keep a jawfish in the same tank (65G) with a P. Fridmani?

I currently have a fridmani in my reef tank, but would really like to keep a jawfish because of its habitat and habits.

Would the blackspot (I think thats what you called it) jawfish be a good choice?

hi fredfish

sorry for the delayed response. i recently changed my email address and forgot to change the address in my profile for thread notification.

thanks for the kind comments on the current article!

keeping a jawfish and a dottyback in the same tank will usually result with problems for the jawfish. most dottybacks will give them heck.

the most docile of dottybacks would be your only choice. this would include fridmani or springeri. if i was to try and mix either of these with a jawfish it would be the blue spot jaw since it tends to be more assertive than the yellow head. of course, it is recommended the jawfish be added first and well situated prior to adding the dottyback.

since the dottyback is already in the tank you might want to try any of the non-plantonic jawfish, often refered to as "dusky jaws." their tendancy to be more discrete may improve your chance.

all things considered, i would not risk adding any jawfish to a tank already containing a dottyback.


Hmmm. That is the answer I expected :(

I guess the jawfish will have to wait for that seagrass/magrove tank I want to set up. Will pipefish be compatible with a jawfish?
