JBJ Chiller?


New member
I am looking for a chiller for my 120gal Reef w/30gal sump. My system maintains 77-78deg when lights are out but spikes upto 81-82deg when 2x250w halides come on (even with fans over tank & sump). I am considering the 1/10hp model JBJ due to low amp draw and quietness, but I am thinking 1/5hp for extra cooling capacity in-case I loose AC in the house. The specs for the 1/5hp model on your website show a 5amp draw, but on the JBJ lighting website it lists a 2.9amp draw.

1. What is the actual amp draw on the 1/5hp model?
2. Do I need the 1/5 over the 1/10 just for offsetting my lighting?
3. Is there anonther chiller you would recommend over the JBJ for low noise and amp draw?


I also have a 120 reef with a 50 gallon refugium with MH. I use the JBJ 1/10. I bought it when I had a smaller reef, but it seems to be doing just fine with the bigger tank.
Hi Mark,

The actual amp draw of the 1/5hp unit is 5.0, while the 1/10 is 2.63.

If money was not an issue then I would most certainly go with the 1/5hp just to be on the safe side. I'm sure the 1/10 would probably be fine, but it might struggle just a little in July / August when the temps are at their maximum outside.

Thanks Fishysteve and Jeremy for the responses.


How would you compare the Pacific Coast 1/10 to the JBJ 1/10?
Cost vs. performance?


We've always liked the pacific coast chillers. They seem every bit as efficient and quiet as any other chiller. Especially the 1/10 model. There's either the 280 which has a single controller, or the 300 which can control a heater as well. Pacific Coast are a great choice for both reliability and economy.
Hi Mark,

The JBJ has a different foot print from the Pacific Coast, so I'm not sure if that makes a big difference for you or not? The PC has a little more cooling power than what the JBJ does, is just as quiet, and also is upgradeable to the CL-300. The CL-300 is actually a dual controller unit, that you can plug your heater into as well and run both the chiller and heater off the same interface on the chiller. The CL-300 PC goes for $399 vs the JBJ for $499. Personally I would do the CL-300 to get the upgraded control mechanism. You do need a little more flow power for the PC units vs the JBJ, but other than that no issues to speak of.
