Jebao to Apex

Wish I could help you. You need to get the display and update your firmware so you can use fusion. :)
We have been doing this a while. Without the use of Fusion. ;) Unfortunately Fusion point and click can't do what I do with my Jebao's.
I don't post my programs but you are welcome to stop by and take a look.
We have been doing this a while. Without the use of Fusion. ;) Unfortunately Fusion point and click can't do what I do with my Jebao's.
I don't post my programs but you are welcome to stop by and take a look.

Thanks, Im good. You can go into Fusion Advanced tab. and program the waves or whatever you want. Maybe you could help jokeefe727, He is having problems setting his up. He does'nt have a display, and I think his firmware is old. Ive never done it this way. I dont think he can connect.
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Its tough to do over the phone but you shouldn't need a display to make it work.

plug it directly into your router and use something like angryip to scan for devices.

Or bring it to Largo and we can plug it in here and figure it out. Should be able to do everything without a display.
Thanks guys. I do have both the Fusion and the original version on my computer. I need someone with more knowledge to come look at it for me. I need somebody to program my foscam cameras and link to my I phone.
I'm actually having some issues guys. It just started yesterday. My app continues to say that it cannot connect to the server. So my pumps aren't on. I did a restart through the controller and the pumps turned on bit full blast. Not what I had designed them to do in fusion. Any ideas on how to get it all back to normal? I'm using the module that connects two jebao pumps to the Apex.
I actually have no idea. My neighbor came over and fixed it. I'll keep an eye on it and definitely ask for help when I need it. I am definitely not techy.
If you don't and want to connect to it from outside of your house you need the service. Or pay for a static ip.