Jebao WP40 and WP25 Group Buy

You guys are gonna like these. I just hooked up my wp25 on my 80 gal rimless. Very satisfied. I have it on pretty much the very lowest setting and can still get a 1/2"-1" surface wave. But the LPS in the water are visually swaying back and forth. Any stronger and it would be too much and possibly have water on the floor.

Anyone want to buy an MP40WES from me? LOL

agree! i have a wp40 on my 75 gallon and it is totally overkill!
can't believe i missed this... if anyone decides they do not want one of their wp25s i am definitely interested.
here is the latest message from Jebao

Dear Cadu

I am trying to forward the delivery date, but the factury have their own schedule, let's see whether we can ship them this weekend, please understand and wait a moment

Best Regards


Fax: 86-760-28136725
i have been communicating with Jebao everyday since we place the order (about 3 weeks ago) to make sure they wouldnt delay our order. Unfortunatelly they promised to ship in 2-3 weeks and they wont be shipping till the 17th...and the DC12000 pumps will only be shipped next month...just wanted to share their explanation:

Dear Cadu

I should apologize and explain it in details
if everything gets ready and nothing unexpected happened, the order lead time would be 2 weeks , but our machines to douse coil in oil did not work in last two weeks, and the whole procedure of WP production is delayed, would you kindly understand? in addition, our factury has many orders domastic and abroad in the production schedule, and we are trying to forward your delivery time, the estimate time would be 17th for the pumps except the DC12000, because the breadboard of DC12000 would be purchased back at the end of this month, it means all of our DC12000 pumps order in our factury would be delayed to next month, then shall we send WP25&WP40&DC9000 firstly ?I beg your understanding, and sorry again for not keeping you well informed

Best Regards

