Jeremy What Skimmer?


Looking for a skimmer for a 225 gallon tank and the height of the skimmer can't exceed 24" and needs to be internal. Looking for a skimmer with the best bang for the buck. Price range is open but looking to stay $400-600.

The owner of this tank was looking at the ASM G4+ and I thought there would be a better option. What do you think? Others feel free to chime in if you have recommendation.
Any chance you can fit a Vertex IN-280 which is 24.5" tall? You will need about .5" - .75" to get the cup off as well. If not, let me know the footprint you're dealing with and I'll see what else I can find. The IN-280 is going to give you by far the most bang for the buck though.
I'm not sure it would be very close. IF we were to order that skimmer and it won't fit is there an option to return it for another skimmer?
That's no problem at all. We would ask that it is not used, however if it doesn't fit I'm sure this wouldn't be an issue. :)