"Jineal" my hawkfish


New member

She's called "Jineal" and I've only had her for a few months although we've been through a lot together. She was the first fish I've ever ordered online and had delivered through the post and it wasn't a good experience for either of us.they call it as a "hawkfish". She arrived after being packed up for 48 hours and was physically shaking with fright. I put her into a dark tank to let her calm down and immediately saw that she was riddled with fish lice so had to pick them all off with tweezers which she really wasn't impressed with. She thrashed about so much to show her annoyance and I had loads of water splashed in my face! We got rid of the lice but she was covered in open sores and looked terrible. Then she got the worst case of ich I've ever seen and was very poorly but pulled through that. Then, I discovered she had gill maggots as well. We are over them now (I hope!) and she is making a great recovery and looking lovely for the first time since I've had her. She still has one open wound near her tail which is being a bit stubborn about healing but hopefully that will be gone soon. Poor old thing she is, but throughout she's been a little fighter and has such a great character as the piccie shows! Ooo I'm so chuffed about this it's unreal! Minstrel's going to get a special treat for supper now as a reward (probably a prawn, her fave) so no doubt will be over the moon too! oo I'm gonna open a bottle of wine to celebrate! lol
Geometric Pygmy Hawkfish, or Plectranthias inermis, is what Jineal is! Although they're more closely related to Anthias and Groupers than they are to Hawkfish, they still behave very much like Hawkfish. But yes, she's a beauty and I'm glad to see you were able to bring her back to health!
Hey great photo. Your poor little fish has had quite the traumatic experience.

A LFS has put one on hold for me as I try to find more info, there really isn't much out there. Is there any more info you can provide on behaviour, feeding etc? Do they just hang out on the rocks or are they swimmers?


Christy :)
I added one to my reef a couple months ago. Quite shy for the first 3 weeks or so, but now can be spotted easily all amongst the rockwork. It's a real cool fish one don't see every day!
That is amazing you were able to nurse her back to health. You deserve a glass of wine after all of that...Good luck!!
What a survivor!! Long life to her, and I hope you'll have thousands of great moments together! Very lovely fish!
You're from England, aren't you? Only person I've ever heard use the word Chuffed was my buddy from England.

BTW, fish looks awesome!
That is a very nice fish (never seen that kind before), and you did a great job helping it get healthy. I hope it lives a long time in your tank. :)