"Joe's Juice": Is it Reef-safe?


New member
hi All

I'm finally accepting that I have an Aptasia problem. (Part of solving my problem, is admitting that I have one to begin with.) They're sprouting everywhere, and are now encroaching on the bases of some of my SPS.

I've heard that "Joe's Juice" works well for Aptasia. Does anyone have any feedback? Is it totally reef-safe? Any other advice?

I want to check w' my Reefcentral peops before medicating my tank.


Yeah it is reef safe but turn down your pumps and try to make sure you dont get it on other coral. Ive heard if you use a lot at once that it can raise your alkalinity so if you have a ton of it maybe do it slowly.
Joe's Juice

I haven't used Joe's Juice specifically, but pretty much any product used to control aiptasia/majano is going to be reef safe...otherwise pretty much everyone's reef would probably be infested with aiptasia/majano ;)

There are other products...I've tried a product from Blue Life but personally i think it sucks because I've zapped the two aiptasia that I have in my tank three times now with the stuff and while they shrink away for a week or so, they always come back in the exact same spot...so for me the Blue Life was a waste of money...I don't know for sure, but I imagine there isn't too much different chemically between the various products (just a fancy different label).

Having said that, I've heard of other ways that people eliminate aiptasia (that I haven't tried yet)...blasting with a pipette with kalkwasser, applying a kalk paste, etc...even heard of people taking the rock out of the tank and torching them off with a lighter...lol.

I guess I'm lucky so far, the two that I have in my tank have never reproduced, but I still intend to get rid of them someday soon.
I have used it. Like Tman said, only use a little bit. I only did one plungerful a day. I went for the big ones first. Jam the plunger into the aiptasia, AND be sure to turn off the circulation. You don't want it blowing all over the place.
It is reef safe but will increase your PH and alkalinity (Much like Kalk does) so do not over do it and stop using it for a while if the PH drops too far.
hi Everyone

Thanks for the tips. I'll be sure to turn off the Koralias before treating the tank w' "Joe's Juice".

Can it be purchased at the LFS, or do I need to buy it direct from his on-line store?

Take care,

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15203505#post15203505 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by flamehawkfish
hi Everyone

Thanks for the tips. I'll be sure to turn off the Koralias before treating the tank w' "Joe's Juice".

Can it be purchased at the LFS, or do I need to buy it direct from his on-line store?

Take care,

You can buy it locally or on-line from several vendors or you can make a similar concotion yourself. Warm up some water to hot but not boil, add table salt until it no longer dissolves and let it cool. Decant the salty water to remove the undissolved salt. Add and mix well enough Kalk powder to make a milky liquid sludge. Use a shringe to apply.
I use the chem marin stop aptasia w/ success.
A rep showed me the best way to use it, which I think alot of peeps don't do.
Turn off pumps, inject aptasia, let it sit for a minute, and the key here is to use the hypo to suck the aptasia and chemical back out.
You'll see broken pieces of apt in hypo chamber.
This also helps eliminate too much of the chem in water column.
Mrs. Wages Pickle Lime is the same thing and it is around $2.00 for a good size bag at the grocery store. This is a good time of year to pick it up, it's in the isle with the sure jel and canning jars. Mix it with RO/DI into a paste. The nice thing about it is you can make it thicker than joe's juice so you don't have so much run off. You can get a shringe to use with it at the pharmacy.
I have used joes juice and aptasia X - both work effectively - make sure you pumps are off and power heads and wavemakers are off for couple of minutes ...it is reef safe...I have had good luck with it so far...