John's new 200


hello to all, i finally got my tank going after 4 1/2 years!! it all started when my wife got pregnant. we had a 650sq ft house and a 75g tank. when the boy arrived it was cool, a little tight but it worked. as the boy grew we ran out of space and the 75 was out. we started the remodel in OCT of "06" with the plan of having a large tank. we finally got moved in earlier this year. (april) here are a some pics of what we got. the first pic is the location, 2,3) pick up of the new tank, 4,5) installed.
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Gongrats on the upgade elvis142. Keep the pics coming as you stock it. What equipment do you plan to use? whats the goal.? SPS, LPS ,softcorals? Any favorite fish you plan to put in this bad boy?
the tank is up and running for 7months. just have to up load photos. i have a 50g sump and a 10 fug that is pumped by a dolphin external pump with 3500gph. i also have 3 250w double ended mh powered bygalaxy ballasts. the overflow is on the side and have 4 returns coming from the top of the tank. i am not computer savy so, please forgive me with he picture placement. lol