Hi everyone!
Time to start another build thread. Some of you may recognize me from the nano forum where I have been documenting the build of my JBJ 28G LED Advanced tank (1.0) for the last couple of years. (2.0 is the same tank restarted after a nasty power loss). Build thread can be found here for those who are interested: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2096071.
The nano world has been a lot of fun but I have quickly grown out of the tank and its limitations. I wanted something bigger, something "real" that would offer me more playroom. After going back and fourth with tank sizes and discussing with my wonderful and understanding wife I finally decided on a 150G "custom made" tank from Miracles. Its measurements are 48x30x24 with three sides Starfire glass and a center overflow. The tank is set to be shipped early this week and hopefully I will have it here sometime early next week.
This thread will document my build process as well as the life of the tank itself after being started. It will be a mixed reef with a strong focus on SPS. Being a tech guy my goal for this tank (as it was/is for the nano) is to make everything as automated as possible.
Since the tank is not here yet I have had time to go over what equipment to use, get the stand designed and built etc. I want to do everything right from the beginning and rather spend a few extra bucks now than having to regret a purchase later on. Please feel free to comment/suggest changes at any time. I am very open to suggestions/critique.
First off, the stand itself. I was planning to build it myself but in the end decided to use a friend that is a carpenter to build it for me. He did a much better job than I could have ever done. The stand is 72" long and 30" deep and 37" tall. Like the tank slightly higher than normal for viewing purposes even though it may make the maintenance slightly harder.
Here is the location of where the thank will sit.
I had an electrician come in and install dual 20A circuits and GFCI outlets instead of the old single line (shared with other outlets) non-GFCI.
Old outlet.
Halfway through.
New outlet.
About a week ago the stand was ready (minus the top board which will be done this week).
Doors open with sump inside (will get to the sump soon).
Inside the stand.
With all the extra space in the stand I should have no issues housing all my equipment, ATO etc. Should work out fine.
The sump was custom made by Tyler at Elite Aquatics. It is a work of art. My plan is to have one (or possible more) remote refuges with DSB, LR and macro algae.
As for the equipment, this is what I am planning to use as of today. The list may change and if you have any comments or suggestions, please let me know.
2 x Ecotech Radio Pro
Return pump
RLSS Waveline DC-12000 (dialed down) feeding a manifold
Water movement
2 x Jebo WP40 with variable power supply to start with and down the road upgrade to 2 x Ecotech MP40 WES.
Reef Octopus Diablo DCS200-INT. this is where I am not sure yet. I am leaning more and more towards a RLSS skimmer instead. Any recommendations?
GFO and Carbon fed from the manifold.
About 100 lbs (give or take) of dry BRS Pukani rock (or Marco Rock)
About 10-20 lbs of live rock from TBS in refugium
Probably around 150 lbs Caribi-Sea Fiji Pink but I am not sure yet. Want the fine white look but also do not want a sand storm due to the high floor for SPS.
APEX that I already have from my nano tank
Will probably need one since I am living in Florida and we do not keep the house super cold during the days. Need recommendations on how big I would need.
At the moment using my JBJ ATO but will probably *** redundancy with sensors connected to APEX as well as a backup.
Planning to use three BRS 1.1ml/minute dosers. I already using two on my nano for Alk and Ca. Controlled by the APEX.
Manifold configuration
The return pump can handle quite a lot of flow so wanted to run as much as possible off a manifold in order to take advantage of that. The manifold will power GFO and Carbon reactors, one or more remote refugiums, possible UV down the road. I f I need to, the chiller will be plumbed inline with the return after the manifold. One return back to the tank that will split up into two or more outlet loclines pipes.
Planning to do a BeanAnimal style of drain.
Think that covers it all for now. It will be a slow and methodical build. I am in no rush and want to do it correct the first time. Please feel free to comment an be a part of the build as much as possible. The more who chimes in the better the end result will be.
Thanks for tagging along!
Time to start another build thread. Some of you may recognize me from the nano forum where I have been documenting the build of my JBJ 28G LED Advanced tank (1.0) for the last couple of years. (2.0 is the same tank restarted after a nasty power loss). Build thread can be found here for those who are interested: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2096071.
The nano world has been a lot of fun but I have quickly grown out of the tank and its limitations. I wanted something bigger, something "real" that would offer me more playroom. After going back and fourth with tank sizes and discussing with my wonderful and understanding wife I finally decided on a 150G "custom made" tank from Miracles. Its measurements are 48x30x24 with three sides Starfire glass and a center overflow. The tank is set to be shipped early this week and hopefully I will have it here sometime early next week.
This thread will document my build process as well as the life of the tank itself after being started. It will be a mixed reef with a strong focus on SPS. Being a tech guy my goal for this tank (as it was/is for the nano) is to make everything as automated as possible.
Since the tank is not here yet I have had time to go over what equipment to use, get the stand designed and built etc. I want to do everything right from the beginning and rather spend a few extra bucks now than having to regret a purchase later on. Please feel free to comment/suggest changes at any time. I am very open to suggestions/critique.
First off, the stand itself. I was planning to build it myself but in the end decided to use a friend that is a carpenter to build it for me. He did a much better job than I could have ever done. The stand is 72" long and 30" deep and 37" tall. Like the tank slightly higher than normal for viewing purposes even though it may make the maintenance slightly harder.
Here is the location of where the thank will sit.

I had an electrician come in and install dual 20A circuits and GFCI outlets instead of the old single line (shared with other outlets) non-GFCI.
Old outlet.

Halfway through.

New outlet.

About a week ago the stand was ready (minus the top board which will be done this week).

Doors open with sump inside (will get to the sump soon).

Inside the stand.

With all the extra space in the stand I should have no issues housing all my equipment, ATO etc. Should work out fine.
The sump was custom made by Tyler at Elite Aquatics. It is a work of art. My plan is to have one (or possible more) remote refuges with DSB, LR and macro algae.

As for the equipment, this is what I am planning to use as of today. The list may change and if you have any comments or suggestions, please let me know.
2 x Ecotech Radio Pro
Return pump
RLSS Waveline DC-12000 (dialed down) feeding a manifold
Water movement
2 x Jebo WP40 with variable power supply to start with and down the road upgrade to 2 x Ecotech MP40 WES.
Reef Octopus Diablo DCS200-INT. this is where I am not sure yet. I am leaning more and more towards a RLSS skimmer instead. Any recommendations?
GFO and Carbon fed from the manifold.
About 100 lbs (give or take) of dry BRS Pukani rock (or Marco Rock)
About 10-20 lbs of live rock from TBS in refugium
Probably around 150 lbs Caribi-Sea Fiji Pink but I am not sure yet. Want the fine white look but also do not want a sand storm due to the high floor for SPS.
APEX that I already have from my nano tank
Will probably need one since I am living in Florida and we do not keep the house super cold during the days. Need recommendations on how big I would need.
At the moment using my JBJ ATO but will probably *** redundancy with sensors connected to APEX as well as a backup.
Planning to use three BRS 1.1ml/minute dosers. I already using two on my nano for Alk and Ca. Controlled by the APEX.
Manifold configuration
The return pump can handle quite a lot of flow so wanted to run as much as possible off a manifold in order to take advantage of that. The manifold will power GFO and Carbon reactors, one or more remote refugiums, possible UV down the road. I f I need to, the chiller will be plumbed inline with the return after the manifold. One return back to the tank that will split up into two or more outlet loclines pipes.
Planning to do a BeanAnimal style of drain.
Think that covers it all for now. It will be a slow and methodical build. I am in no rush and want to do it correct the first time. Please feel free to comment an be a part of the build as much as possible. The more who chimes in the better the end result will be.
Thanks for tagging along!