Jonas 3.13, 150G of Miracles fun

+1 for Version #2, but I would have the channel go back at an angle and narrow, from front to back (give it the perception of depth).

I think you will like that tank, I had a 60x30x24 and really liked it (It sprung a leak and I am waiting on my new 60x30x26)
I read here a week ago you were going with the WP40s. I am installing a WP40 this week on my tank. I'm hoking it up to my controller for full controlling power... at 100 bux, man I feel accomplished! I will let you know how I make out.

My vote for number 2 aquascape as well...
Version 2 looks pretty cool actually and should give everyone plenty of swimming room.

In our 150G we went for the three separate pillars look and love it.
I read here a week ago you were going with the WP40s. I am installing a WP40 this week on my tank. I'm hoking it up to my controller for full controlling power... at 100 bux, man I feel accomplished! I will let you know how I make out.

Please do. I an very interested in how to hook up the WP40s to my APEX.

Stopped by Lowe's after work today and picked up foam to put under the tank and a 32 gallon Brute can. The Brute will act as cleaning station for the dry rock for now and for my water changes later. Started to fill it up with RO/DI water and man does that take time. This is just 30 gallon. Filling up the whole system (~200 gallon) will take a lifetime.

Scheduled the tank delivery today as well. The tank will arrive at the shipping depot tomorrow around 5 am and will be brought to the house on Wednesday morning. Can't wait.

Seems like version 2 has the most votes so far. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to improve it even more?

Did yet another rock scape tonight. This is how version 4 looks like. Comments?

Version 4 - Front

Version 4 - Front left

Version 4 - Left view

Version 4 - Right view
I loooove option 4. I like the look of caves usually, but I really like 4 the best out of the ones you have made. I just put up a 125 this past weekend that is cycling now.
Picked up the stand top today and it looks very good. Still a little wet from the rain outside but should dry up very soon.


Also did a quick new version of the rock scape. Kind of like this one since it has a lot of possibilities with coral placement. Just need to make sure the flow will be OK all over as well. This is the last "training scaping" I will do outside the tank itself. The rock will be cleaned off and soaked in RO/DI water tonight until being used in the tank.

Version 5 - Front view

Version 5 - Front left view

Version 5 - Left side

Version 5 - Right view

What do you think? Which one is the winner? I am planning to carve out tunnels and caves in whichever version I end up with.
The dry rocks are cleaned outside with high pressure water and are now submerged in my 32 gallon brute with RO/DI water. Will be like that until the tank is plumbed, leak tested and ready for salt water. Will change out the water every so often.

The dry rocks are cleaned outside with high pressure water and are now submerged in my 32 gallon brute with RO/DI water. Will be like that until the tank is plumbed, leak tested and ready for salt water. Will change out the water every so often.
I'd also do some testing as the rock sits. Just to make sure nothing "unusual" is leaching out.

It shouldn't but what's the harm in testing just to be safe?

And after it's been sitting & soaking for a while & nothing bad is detected, why not drain all the water, put some saltwater into the container along with a heater, a powerhead(or 2) to move the water and a small piece of live rock to help it get started seeding? Just a suggestion.

And, BTW, your stand is freaking beautiful!!!
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I'ts home!!!

The tank arrived just before 10 am this morning. Box was crated very well and so far I have not seen any imperfections. Will go over the tank more in detail later tonight. I was told by Miracles that I could use they foam boards they included in the shipping under the tank on my stand. That turned out to not work due to the fact that the foam was stuck to the pallet itself. Had to whip up a temporary solution so I could let the moving guys leave. Will see if I can fix the issue very soon.

Another setback I discovered was that Miracles did not put the drain holes exactly where the drawing said so two of them are encroaching on one of the support beams underneath. Will see how I will resolve that issue. Maybe will be fine just to carve out some from the beam?

First pictures of the new tank.


Placed an order with BRS tonight with the bulkheads needed, gate valves, filter socks and the ultimate WAF, the APEX Advanced Leak Detection probe. Plumbing to begin next week (after the support beams under the stand have been modified. I also need to soon start to design the canopy.

Will start tomorrow to draw out the plumbing schematics. Hope I can get good inputs from you guys on it. Want to make it right the first time.

Please keep the comments coming.
After a closer inspection of the tank last night I discovered a tiny crack in the front upper right corner. It is out of view but now since I found it I will see it every time. I have sent an email to Miracles to see what they say. What do you guys think, will it be fine or could this potentially be an issue down the road?




Inspected the tank even more thoroughly this morning and found two more scratches. They are both close to each other and on the front panel. Will send these new pictures to Miracles as well. Not the start I wanted with this new tank.


Great setup so far.

Sad about the scratches, but probably not enough to send back. Maybe a discount?
can you keep us informed about the problems I am getting back into the reef family and I am looking for pretty much the same tank you got from the same place.

I have heard good things about them I hope they do something for you
Sorry for not updating here sooner. Was away over the weekend and did not have a chance to write here.

I do have some updates regarding the tank. After I found the crack/chip and the scratches I sent the pictured to Miracles. Derek over there called me on Saturday afternoon and we discussed the situation. He was extremely good and took full responsibility. They will make a new tank and ship down to me, no questions asked. I did not even have to ask for it.

As unfortunate that it is that the tank had these issues, I am very pleased with how Miracles have handled it so far. I can't express how happy I am now that I decided to go with Miracles over some of the other companies. I have never heard anything bad about them and they have been a pleasure to deal with so far.

At this point I do not know when the new tank will arrive but my guess would be no sooner than four weeks, probably closer to six.

The good thing is that I now get a chance to build the canopy and have it ready in time. I am also still waiting for parts to arrive, mainly the skimmer and my return pump. I also have the bulk heads and some gate valves coming in this week so I can start the plumbing process. Will try to make up a mock diagram over how I want it so you guys can review before I start to glue pieces together.
that's great to hear. sounds like they live up to the reputation they have.

I have only used acrylic tanks in the past are you planning on cementing the rock together at all?