July Meeting!


New member
Address is My house.
9083 Weeping Cherry LN
Cordova, TN 38016
From Jackson take 40 to Memphis and get off at exit 18 (Somerville/Bolivar) Turn Left onto 64 and at the 4th Stoplight (Berryhill) take a right. If you take a left you'll be turning into the side of a hill and messing up your transmission. Continue on Berryhill untill you make a bend to the left and head down a hill. On the way back up the hill you'll see a vacant lot on the Left and a subdivision on the right. This is the Garden's of Berryhill subdivision where I live. At the top of this hill is Berrybush. Turn right onto Berrybush. If you turn left you'll be on dirt and would not have learned anything from the first wrong turn. While on Berrybush, the 2nd street on the right is Weeping Cherry. Turn right onto Weeping Cherry. If you turn left the occupants of the house you'll have hit will not be pleased. My house is the 3rd on the left. I have a pancake cactus at the mailbox and pampas grass in the side yard between mine and my neighbors driveways. If you would like some cactus by all means take some.
From Memphis and Mississippi take 240 to 40 and exit 18. Merge right onto 64 from 40 and at the 3rd stoplight turn right (Berryhill) and follow directions as above.
We will be getting training for St Jude Volunteers. Since this will probably be all thats going to be discussed I'll be furnishing Burgers, hotdogs, chips, coke's alcohol and the like. Look at this as a club party with some training. And since my birthday's the 14th I'll be partying hardy!
Thx for hosting and the food and beer:D
I thought it was going to get real interesting after the Margaritas were mixed, but it wasnt too bad....Dagnabitt:D
Thanks for the hospitality, the beer, and the food at the meeting last night.

And your advice on the skimmer worked wonders. I got about half a pound of aragonite dust out of the cup this morning.