Jumpers for 6055


Hi Roger, I've misplaced the pack of jumpers for my 6055 (latest type) and it's only got the 12V jumper in right now - I have a couple from my 6215 Wavebox (18V and 24V), are these compatible with the 6055? I've emailed Tunze UK to see if I can get replacements but no response back yet.

Also, apologies if it's already been asked, but is there going to be a wide flow option for the 6055 like there is for the 6105? Regards, Andy
The jumpers are different, they are available as a set 6055.241.

The 6095.130 housing will fit on a 6055 and serve as a wide flow housing.
The jumpers are different, they are available as a set 6055.241.

The 6095.130 housing will fit on a 6055 and serve as a wide flow housing.

Hi Roger, just found them thanks, it would be useful if they were listed under the 6055 spares page!

I read your post too about the 6095 housing not being a great upgrade though. Thanks Andy
With the lower flow of the 6055, the flow is short reach and very wide, about 30" by 30". That may be useful in some cases but it doesn't have much reach in your average tank. The 6055 housing has 1.5" outlet and 6095 is 2". It is the next step up.
Ok, made a little progress, I've found my pack of jumpers but the pump won't run with any above the 15v one....any ideas? Regards Andy
That would generally point to lime build up on the shaft or inside the hole in the drive unit binding it up.
Remove the drive unit first, otherwise the vinegar won't get into the tight crevices.
Hi Roger, it's been soaking in neat vinegar for 24 hours and there's no change, it still won't run on anything above the 15v jumper. When another jumper is inserted the pump starts for about 3s and then nothing....any other suggestions? Regards Andy
My assumption was that the power supply can only deliver 30W and at 15V the power draw is less so in a slightly jammed state this would work, but higher voltage would not (more wattage needed). Since that does not seem to be the case, the root issue has to be the motor or power supply. Either the power supply can't deliver 30W or the pump has a short and needs more than 30W. A corroded connection could be another cause.
My assumption was that the power supply can only deliver 30W and at 15V the power draw is less so in a slightly jammed state this would work, but higher voltage would not (more wattage needed). Since that does not seem to be the case, the root issue has to be the motor or power supply. Either the power supply can't deliver 30W or the pump has a short and needs more than 30W. A corroded connection could be another cause.

Hi Roger, i tried my 6215 power supply and the same happens....the 6055 should be under warranty as it is the latest type with silence clamp and blue prop but was bought from another reefer in an unused condition (everything sealed up)...will Tunze UK honour this? Regards, Andy
Hi Andy,

I cannot answer for Tunze UK, I would contact them. In general they will require some sort of receipt showing it was bought in the UK.