June 23rd AZ FRAG Meeting

Oh yes. They have been on my radar. There's definitely more than 3-4. Probably more around 34 these days. :uhoh3: The thing is we have a FB page. It was a group at one point but it became chaos when we had to balance the wishes of vendors who would give us stuff to donate and members trying to make a side business. We don't have free time to monitor that.

Does anyone that likes our FB pages not see our event post?(PROP, AZ FRAG, and DFF all have their own pages btw)

Hahah damn, thats a lot more then I thought. I wasn't saying to move stuff from here to facebook, just that maybe posting about FRAG in some of those other big general reefing groups might help key in some people who are looking for more then just a facebook group for reef stuff and buy/selling. This forum used to have so much traffic and it makes me sad to see it so slow and even more sad to hear only 3 people showed up.