Well Everyone, Our Ocean Environments meeting went off without a hitch! A special thanks to Donnie Stepp for hosting the meeting in his store. I think I speak for everyone who went there DS (during Shanda) when I say that that store has pulled a complete 180 and is looking great. I know that the coral selection is a lot nicer and man was there some great buys! Ramiro, I hate you BTW, you favite theif! Pizza was supplied by Donnie and I definately had my fill. That was some awesome pizza. Shame i'm not closer. Hopefully Walker got a head count because I didn't but there was a nuce turn out. We discussed tank chemistries and causes/corrections for some problems. Conducted a little club business (see MACNA ticket thread), and Tim brought a case of Beer gratefully donated my Acrowrasse. Dustin must have been stocking up for the winter. He was two fisting it!
If anyone hasn't been to the store since Donnie took over I highly recommend giving him a visit.
Thanks again!
Barrett "Yah mule! Mush! Mush!" Shumaker