Just a commin qustion ??


New member
I was wondering i have some mushrooms growing and two 65wt power compaqus and 2 65wt attinics how long should i leave them on?? should the blue be on longer then the white ? and also how do i get rid of a purple algie that is growing it is slimey and is takeing over my tank ???

im a nube so i need help
Get a timer and set the actinics for a 12 hour on/off cycle and set another timer for the middle 8 hours within the 12 hour actinic on cycle to give the 2 hours of dawn and 2 hours of dusk on either side of the 8 hour white cycle. EG. 8am-8pm actinic on, 10am-6pm white on. You can choose whatever hours are convenient for your viewing schedule as it doesn't much matter to your softies, just as long as the schedule is regular. Best of luck to you and I hope I didn't confuse you too bad.
purple slimey algea sounds like cyanobacteria to me...

What are your water parameters? (esp Nitrate and Phosphate).

If you can, take the rock out of the tank and scrub the algea off with an old, clean, toothbrush.

How often do you do water changes?
I water change like once a month and i just cut my light down to 6 houres a day. i have a 55 gal it is 48 by 18 by 23 i think stander 55 size any input would be grate
Whats your stocking levels? (how many fish? what kind?)

Testing the water will give you the best idea of what could be causeing the cyano outbreak.

excess nutrients in the form of nitrate and phosphate are usually the cause, as well as sometimes too low of water flow (circulation)
48x18x23 is a 75 gallon, not 55. Only having a 6-hour photoperiod is detrimental to the health of your tank inhabitants. You want to duplicate as closely as possible their natural environment. Make a habit of checking your water parameters regularly, and more frequent water changes. +1 on the lighting schedule above.
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I have 4 damsels and 2 clowns 2 emrild crabs 3 clams and 2 fetherdusters i dont know if that helps any but all turn the light up to 8 hours a day or so i just took it down so to try and get rid of the algie and i cut my feeding down also
yes, that is probably the cause of your problems.
Sometimes local tap water can have lots of bad things for your reef, like excess nitrate, phosphate, and other nutrients that could cause excessive algea growth or chlorine, copper, ect that could be toxic to your inhabitants.

If your pet store sells RO (reverse osmosis) water you should use that to mix your salt with. or some grocery stores have RO machines as well, and as long as their machines are properly mantained, that should be fine as well. This is what I do, but I have a smaller tank. Many people with larger tanks buy their own RO filters for their home.
Distilled is also fine, though expensive. RO-DI (De-ionized) is probably the purest water you can get for you aquarium, but I've always found that RO is sufficient.
if your petstore sells premixed saltwater, make sure that they're water source is RO and that route would be fine as well.

At this point, I would do a decent size water change using RO as your water source, and if possible pull out the rocks that have the cyano on them, and scrub it off. Use the old tank water to rinse the rocks before you put them back in the tank.

Eventually, the cyano will go away, but it will take time, and keeping up on more frequent water changes. Make sure you're not feeding your fish more than necesisary, as this will put excess nutrients into the water as well.
Oh.. and test your water... Most petstores do this for free. Its just a good habit to get into, and the best way to understand what's going on with your tank.

Hope that helps, let us know how it goes :)