just a quick lion location note


New member
I read the Lion article again, about the third time since they are my favorite fish species and noticed the world ranges of them did not include the US east coast. I know they are an invasive species here off the coast of GA but they are here and reproducing, actually the curator at the Tybee aquarium told me you can go to the Tybee Backriver and catch them on hooks using shrimp as bait and dragging it accross the bottom. Fortunately lion fishing hasnt caught on since most people do not believe they are even here. I believe the Savannah State marine bio dept. has the first official finding of them out on Grey's Reef as well. Wish I knew what species they were and what they were doing to local populations. Might have to get a license and go check out the fishing, with thick gloves of course.
No I didn't include the sighting off NC as a locale of these fish. My guess is they are new inhabitants, whether they were released pets, or blew off course by the gulf stream. It sure looks like their planning onstaying in the area.
Thanks for the heads up,
Good luck fishing for them