Just a skimmer


New member
Hello i just set up a new reef tank like 3-4 days ago and right now i am only running a protien skimmer on my tank. I only have around 15 pounds of live base rock and a cup of live sand alone with some dead base rock and dead sand. I was wondering if i should run anything else besides my skimmer and if so what else should i run? thanks
Well, what size of tank do you have? A protein skimmer is a good source of filteration as well as alot of liverock is. What kind of skimmer is it?
I would add some more liverock and that should be good enough filteration. Are you going to run a fuge?
I am planning to run a fuge sometime soon. I cant add any more live rock i am hoping the live base rock will see my other rock. I have ran outta room and cant afford any more live rock right now.