Just Fish


New member
I learned some new stuff today when i dropped in at Just Fish. they just switched to Omega One brand frozen fish foods. It's higher in protein and stuff than the others . all sizes from cube packs to pound slabs. Got a fridge full for anyone that needs some. I'm always looking for places that sell pound slabs of brine and mysis. Also some new type frozen arctic pod, something like cyclopeze i think. seems a few other brands are catching on to this type pod too.

they refill paint ball CO2 tanks. (Serranid Terror!!) I'm not sure if the fittings are the same as calc reactor CO2 tanks. but it's a possible filling station if anyone can check with an empty reactor tank. or beer meister tank. apparently lots of brewers have been asking. Mike??

They got Chaeto.

And, they are building a website for general info. It has some shipping schedules and looks like eventually a library of fish and product info for public use.


just starting it out. so it will take some time to build. That's nice!

Hey, does this make them the first De. LFS with a website??

watch out for the frozen artic pods. The fish and corals love them but they have some type of fat in the suspension that forms an oil slick on the top of your tank.

Nice. Does anyone know if Kevin is out of the hospital yet?

Apparently he tried to break-up a cat fight and ended up with a nasty infection in his hand.

Chances are those CO2 tanks all have the same size threads and all. I use almost all compressed air on my guns now-a-days, its a much more stable gas for my purposes. But I wouldn't doubt you could fill up tanks for taps or tanks for plant tanks with that puppy.

I did always find it funny that a store with a name like Just Fish does paintball and reptile supplies as well :)

I'll have to drop back in that store sometime, its been a looooong time since I have been inside that store.
I had some free time today to check out just fish as well. They have changed the setup of the store a it too. Their coral tanks had a unch of algae in them and less corals than normal. But they did have a 5" Peacock Mantis which looks amazing, I love those things.

I'm hoping to set up a tank for a mantis before this summer. Been planning it for a while. Smart little buggers.
I think i want to try some of that arctic pod food. maybe next week. sounds like the fish like it and high in energy.

Geeze Jon, with all the different tanks you want to set up, you are gonna need your own trunk line for power to run everything. did you get your power supply worked out to run your heater and tanks too? I hope they are on separate circuits.