There are 2 reefers, one here in Michigan, who are growing out hundreds of frags and they are planning to start selling them for $ 20 to $ 25 per frag with 15 to 20 polyps per frag for just about everything. Tell me how can one person sell a red zoanthid that has been around for years for $ 200 a polyp over here and another reefer sells the exact same polyp with 15 polyps on a frag for $ 20 to $ 25? There will be stipulations to prevent buyers from turning around and price jacking them. Supply and deamnd will not bring the prices down, it will be when people finally realize that they have been paying through the roof for one of the fastest growing corals in the ocean. Driven only by price gouging, names and hype, these prices will drop like the temp at the north pole.