Just got my Clown Mantis!!!


New member
Well the order came through at work. I now have a 4 inch Clown Mantis. He is in my 32 gallon sump with lots of LR. Very cool animals. I also have 2 other mantis that are not Identified yet they are only 1.25 inches and 1 inch right now. I hope to collect more of these cool creatures as they come along.

hey alex

have you got an pix of the 3 mantis?
i might be able to help id them if you email them to me?

what kinda setup to you keep them in.

also, go down to the "how many people are keeping mantis post" and add your name!
Well the one is olive drab with egg shape eyes. Gills are yellow along with the legs. Lives in a 1 gallon on my desk.

The other one is Neon Green with very small white spots. Egg shape eyes. Lives in a breeder cage in my sump.

Both are Clubs.

Well the clown is just like this one.

I Work at the the LFS so I can get them really cheap.

Now the small ones I can't get pics of them. The second they see movement they jet into there burrow. While the big one gets interested in me. I am sure in a few months they will journey once they are larger.
