Just one big snail snack


Premium Member
I was growing huge mass of gracillaria in my fuge with sheets of ulva under it. Harvesting it and feeding to my tang.

Anyway, growth had slowed down considerably. I think due to my skimmer removing more organics than I was feeding (by a lot). But it was still viable.

But now I've had some small snails go sexual. Hundreds of the little buggers have almost totally consumed the gracillaria and ulva. Dang snails. What should I do?

Also, this has unshaded the little bit of calupera that was on the rocks in my fuge and so now it's starting to spread. Will the snails eventually eat this also? If not, I'm afraid that I'll have to start pulling because I don't want it being the dominant macro.

Any ideas?

I don't believe the snails will eat the caulerpa. Do you konw what kind they are? You could probably find someone local who would love to get some baby snails.

Pretty sure they are Strombus from IPSF. Little guys with a long snout.

Good suggestion, I'll post on PSAS board to see if anyone wants some.
I'm a big fan of the little IPSF Strombus snails. I got a few for my tank and I'm seeing eggs around but I'm not sure who they're from. Do you think your Ulva or Gracilaria will grow back from the bits leftover?

I think it's a lost cause.

Going to wait a while and then try restocking the algae. The snail population should crash when they run out of food.