My $75 fish snack

My melanurus wrasse was an absolute snail assassin! He'd pick them up by the shell and smack them against the tank walls or rock to stun them then slurp them out of their shells. Beautiful fish but holy wow did it eat $$$ worth of snails.
I’m thinking I may use flatworm exit. The reason I got him was to cut down my red planaria, which has worked for everything except the ones on my coral. So I think I’m down safe enough to go from there without huge issues
I’m thinking I may use flatworm exit. The reason I got him was to cut down my red planaria, which has worked for everything except the ones on my coral. So I think I’m down safe enough to go from there without huge issues
Hit my tank with FWE a week or two ago. As of tonight, more FW’s than ever in the fuge. I’m going to hit it with a 1.5% dose tomorrow. Had good experience with FWE in the distant past.
There has been no evidence of FW’s in the DT, in the fuge only. Just used a turkey baster to suction out as many as possible. Then dosed 1.5x in the DT and 2x in the fuge.

No “floaters” evident in the DT, but quite a few in the fuge. Let sit for about 30 minutes while sucking out floaters. Then brought carbon online and did a 5 gallon water change.