Kalk reactor decision??


New member
I need some help deciding what kalk reactor to get. So far I've heard good things about the Geo kalk reactor but I wanted some other opinions. What do you all think? I'd appreciate any feedback.
I prefer to dose from a still reservoir as opposed to a reactor, I had a GEO and sold it.. That being said, I do feel that the GEO is the best kalk reactor on the market. I choose to dose my lime another way, a safer way, and a more consistent solution.

Still reservoir IMO is the way to go.
MY suggestion uses a reservoir that is out of the tank..cant overdose and cant underdose...doses perfectly from 1mL to 800Ml per hour depending on how you set it...in 1 ml increments up to 70 and 5 ml past 70

keeps salinity, ph and CA/ALK rock solid

i just put limewater in a 5g bucket and dose 24/7 never had any problems
What do you guys mean safe? I figure I would set it up on a dosing pump with timers to dose at night at intervals. I never really thought about the still resovoir dosing system. I should say that I'm also trying to make everytthing sleek in design and able to hide if need be.
I think it depends on what you are using it for. Will it be your only means of calcium / buffer? I use mine in addition to a large calcium reactor, mostly to counter the pH drop I get as a result of having to use so much CO2. There's no way kalk alone could keep up with the demands of my system which is loaded with SPS, about 260 gallons.

I just recently got a Geo and so far it has been great. I don't see anything unsafe about it. I am running it with an AquaMedic reef doser on a timer which runs for 15 minutes, 8 times per day. The stirring pump on the Geo runs for 30 minutes, 4 times per day.
I had an MRC prior to this, with the magnetic stir bar, and the unit was too small to keep up with my system. I think the Geo is the best one I have seen from a design and quality standpoint.
There's little risk running a Kalk reactor if you connect the dosing pump up to a reversed pH controller.

My Kalk setup shuts off when my milwakee reversed pH controller reads a high pH (since I run it often, anything above ~8.4)

I use an Aquamedic Dosing pump a long with an Aquamedic Kalk stirrer (similiar to Deltec version). So far I have been very pleased.
I am using a MRC calc reator that has a double reactor chamber for CO2 consumption. i just want t know if using the GEO or PM unit or the Deltec shows different results. Any of you guys use these units?
that's what I was thinking too! Thanks to all for your input. Now I get to do the fun part - spend money on ridiculously expensive toys that no one else but reefers would understand buying.