kalkwasser, 2 part or calcium reactor


New member
What would you guys recommend for a 125g mixed reef?
kalkwasser added at ato, daily 2 part or calcium reactor?

I want as minimum baby sitting as possible.
I think it boils down to how much stonies you want to keep. You are right around that zone where Ca reactor and dosers start to differentiate as far as which one is better at keeping up with demand. For my 100 gallon, I chose to do Kalk and 2 part, because its what I've done with my nano and it works for me. Only difference is that everthing will be automated. I don't think is a clear cut winner.

I like kalk so I would use it whether I had a reactor or dosers.

Pros of Rx is that once set, it runs itself and less chance of problems. Its also cheaper to run. Cons is initial cost is high and tweaking it may take a lot of time to get just right.

Dosers are great in that they are inexpensive (relatively), eaiser to dial in. Cons is they are more expensive to maintain, and you may have more technical issues (pump burn out, overdose, etc.)

I have a geo 618 calcium reactor package for $450 if you're interested. Just needs a new probe, feed pump, and some hoses. I can help set it up for you.
I tried adding kalk to my ATO reservoir but found that I didnt like that I would have to take out the 10gal tank to clean the kalk residue. Maybe I am just picky but I think the 2 part would make for a cleaner setup.

Maybe I should have run a kalk stirrer or reactor, but I dont know how you could control the saturation and I wanted something I could leave running for a week or 2 without input if I was busy or away.
Thats what I want too. Sometimes I go out of town for a few days so I want everything as automated as possible. I am thinking a dosing pump or a calk reactor.
try just weekly water changes with good salt at first. traymitch does this with no other dosing and has great stony growth and coloration (just came back from checking out his tank). if that doesnt keep stuff where you want it add kalk to your ato. if that doesnt work grab a pair of dosers and some 2 part. i think ca reactors are for people who like toys and lots of stony corals
Here's another question: do you have to modify your ato to make it drip, or can you run kalk thru a standard 3/8 inch tube? My ato adds about 1/4 cup at a time....
I did 2 part for many years with success. Started recently to add kalk instead and I'm having good results. It took a while to get it dialed in. I use a simple gallon jug with a dripper because as mentioned in an earlier post my ato water is in a 10 gallon tank inside my stand and taking it out to clean would be pain.