keeping mantis shrimp???!!!


New member
I was shocked to see that people keep mantis shrimp! I came looking for a post on how to rid my tank of one. The one that is in my tank is killing about 1 crab every other day. I have a book on Hawaii inverts and have an ID on him but not with me. It is getting old going to the beach every week just to re-stock my crabs population. I see the little bas****s every time I go snorkling now when I look under broken pieces of LR/reef and one almost got my hand last week. I am now wondering what kind of replies I will get but I don't want the mantis shrimp in my tank so how can I get rid fo him?
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Look under the Hobbyist section and click on the pest control link. There is a pretty decent summary of methods to eliminate mantis.

I haven't had this problem myself. It seems from what I've read the fastest and easiest method is to find out what rock the mantis lives in and remove the rock from your reef to a separate container.