Kenya tree not growing


New member
I have had a frag of a Kenya Tree in my tank for 3 months now and it doesn't look like it has grown at all. I have a 125q with 480watts of T5 lights on it and I have tried placing it everywhere and have not seen any growth. I dose the tank with trace elements, iodine, strotinum, and Phytoplankton and still nothing. Everything else in the tank is growing very nicely except my mushroom's, they all are opened up all the way but will not multiply. Any sugestions.
Seems like you have the feeding covered. I know that my capnella is a slow grower and actually prefers moderate lighting. I would think that the the T5 scheme you likely have (6x80w lamps?) may be on the bright side?

I would try the capnella at a medium to lower position in the tank that gets good, surging flow.
Any coral can take a while to settle in, I wouldn't worry about the lack of growth as long as the coral's otherwise showing good health. Feeding polyps should be out most of the the time. Any stress on the coral could up its energy budget and leave less for growth, so worth checking there's no fish/shrimp/seastars etc bothering it. I wouldn't be dosing any of those things you're adding either.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7623918#post7623918 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ti
not multiplyig is a good thing, they spread like WEEDS

Yeah they do my frag tank is full of kenya tree frags
Stop moving it. It should be ok any where in the tank. When it starts growing, you are not going to like it. I have a jungle of them in my tank. I can't remove them without tearing the tank apart.
When I first got mine they didn't do much either. After about 3-4 months they started expanding a little. At 8 months or so they started dropping buds like crazy.

Be patient. I still love 'em, but it sounds like eventually we all will grow to call them weeds! :)