Kenya Trees

Call when you all want to come by- 573-9417- but not today- Valentine's Day & our anniversary! I'm off Everest & Del Prado- close to the midpt. bridge. Regards, Dawn.
i have a few too as well ... deschlayer ... since you are close to me ... you can pick 'em up from me if you want ...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9239085#post9239085 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dawn II
Call when you all want to come by- 573-9417- but not today- Valentine's Day & our anniversary! I'm off Everest & Del Prado- close to the midpt. bridge. Regards, Dawn.

Thanks, Happy, Happy:) We must be neighbors.

I guess I need to get Mrs Hobster something:D