Kessil A360 users


Convince'em or confuse'em
I'm considering a lighting upgrade. For you A360X users, is the wired controller or the wireless dongle the way to go? Is the software the same?
For the dongle, use 1 and connect the rest with the usb-c connector, or put a dongle on each of 4?
Depends. Do you have any existing controllable A series lights? If so, get the wired controller. You can then control all of them. I have two older 360s and a X. So I went with the controller.

Otherwise, if all Xs, get one wifi dongle and then daisy chain the rest together with the usbC cables. That's all you need to do.

There are some good videos out there explaining it all.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
Oh, I've seen TON'S of video, more than once (I can be a bit obcessive at times). I'll probably do the dongle and cables, I was just hoping to get some more insight from actual users, thanks!
Gonna start soon on a custom mount for my tank/hood. The A arm looks nice, but I don't think it'll work for me.