Kessil Control


Will this ever be integrated to allow for control of this light? Apex has it, why not GHL. It's also American and not Chinese.
The Kessil can be controlled by a ProfiLux. You incorporate an EVG card but it's not hard to do once you understand the correlation between the two. The guy at Kessil (I can't remember his name) worked with a GHL customer at least a year ago (maybe 2) and got his light working GREAT using a ProfiLux 3.
correct only intensity, to control colour you need to have multiple channels which as far as I know kessil do not have this control ability.
I highly doubt it, this takes a lot more than just 0-10v dimming.

Due to the data required GHL use the serial port for the Mitras light bars as you can not push that control over a 2 line wire.

I spoke to Kessil a MACNA directly when they came to our booth, the question was on a 0-10v interface.

My knowledge does not overly stretch in this regard but I "think" you need PWM control which of course GHL does offer for lamps such as Pacific sun.

I am open to correction on the facts of course.
Yes and GHL can do both also, im also not sure of the point here other than maybe promoting another brand on the GHL forum?

There is little to nothing this other brand can do that the GHL can not in fact GHL are way ahead on many fronts they were the first to introduce PWM.

The biggest point though is reliability, GHL do not go wrong this is proven time and time again. The biggest selling point is proven bullet proof reliability, if you have a controller that has gone wrong on you then all those little third party connections are worthless all the time its in for repair. When buying GHL you are buying a product that you know you can rely on, this is also why you will find GHL in multiple research centers around the world.

Of course third party hook up is important to the end user and this is why GHL make many break out boxes to accommodate the DIY hook up.
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So a bit more clarification Kessil has two control lines one is for intensity and one is for colour, both are 0-10v lines which GHL ProfiLux comes with up to 8 as standard, so you would need 2 x free L ports on the back of the ProfiLux to control this.

So you CAN control the Kessil through the most reliable controller on the market which comes with the ports built in!!! I have asked Kessil for the wiring coding for you all, then you simply use the small GHL junction box to wire this to the L port.
I think Kessil has a 1-10V-interface for each light channel, right?

Then the only thing to do is to connect each of these channels with a 1-10V-output of the ProfiLux and all channels can be dimmed independently.

Just found out that the Kessil have 2 channels, one for intensity, other for light color.
Then use 1 ProfiLux output for the intensity, another for the light color. Makes not much difference.
How would you wire that using an EVG card for example? Can the Apex to Kessil cable be modified to work?
the evg card is perfect and another plus for GHL not offered by other controllers

The card comes with 2 channels which are labelled for easy wiring of 0-10v to the controller, however thats only half the story!

The gem with the EVG card is that it also controls the main AC power line so you do not have to use a controlled socket on your power bar to switch the Kessil off.

You see when a lamp is dimmed to zero volt, either then lamp stays live or worse still stays illuminated unless the power is switched off. With the EVG card once it senses zero volts on the control line the relays will switch off the AC power making the lamp safe and also 100% off.

Again another plus only GHL can offer that saves you using up valuable power sockets and needing to incorporate programmed timers.
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But that dimming would only control intensity, not color? I don't see how you could rewire it to get color.
the colour is controlled by a 0-10v signal as specified by kessil. There are no special tricks here. Kessil control is nothing more than 0-10v control for both the elements. Childs play for GHL for the controller that was first to introduce this type of control
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Kessil is sending me the colour codes of their 2 control 0-10v lines so I can share.

Remember also the ProfiLux has the amazing software where you don't need to know any code to program the lamp, just input into the illumination graphical screen your times etc etc, simple menu driven all there for you!!

So combine the amazing program options as well as the really cool EVG card that saves plug sockets on your power bar and also makes sure the lamp is 100% off, hard to beat that control suite really!
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But that dimming would only control intensity, not color? I don't see how you could rewire it to get color.

The Kessil uses 2x0-10V inputs. One controls intensity. The other controls color. Remember, these are just signals, not actual power supplies.
I agree with GHL's superiority in programming; much easier than that Boolean logic.

But it would be nice to have a plug-and-play plug like the Apex; rather than having the user cut up their unit to fit onto an EVG card.

Would the GHL LF-ABOX box make it more plug-and-play?