Kidako/Y-Patterened Morays


New member
Does anyone know where reasonably priced Kidako's can be found? Everywhere on the net they seem to be commanding 4 figures; I had a LFS that got them for around $250 (100% on the ID of the species)...anyone out there that can account for the disparity in price?

Also really interested in G. berndti, the Y-Patterned Moray if anyone knows anything about these.
the only place ive ever seen any of these eels was on diverd den. The berndt was rather expensive but the kidako wasnt nearly as bad. but to be honest with you my memory isnt that good and they couldve both been expensive. I think just rare fish carries them as well.
Does anyone know where reasonably priced Kidako's can be found? Everywhere on the net they seem to be commanding 4 figures; I had a LFS that got them for around $250 (100% on the ID of the species)...anyone out there that can account for the disparity in price?

Also really interested in G. berndti, the Y-Patterned Moray if anyone knows anything about these.

I have a Berndt's Moray for sale If you would like one. We are flexible on the price.
This is a verified fish from the Bishop Museum in Hawaii.

Let me know