Hey guys over the last month I have picked up three clams. Two croceas and one gold teardrop maxima. I need confirmation on the maxima since it was sold to me as a crocea, which is the reason that I think I got such a good deal. The first two, crocea and maxima, were bought from Fish Smart, in Hialeah for $35 each, they are 4-5 inches. The last crocea, which I would consider 1st grade, I bought from Doral Aquarium and Reptile for $45, original price was $60 but I managed to talk it down to $50 plus all FMAS memebers get 10% off, it is also 4-5 inches. Here are some links let me know what you guys think, and if I really did get a good deal or if its all in my mind.
Fish Smart Maxima:
Fish Smart Crocea:
Doral Crocea:
Full Tank Shot:
Fish Smart Maxima:
Fish Smart Crocea:
Doral Crocea:
Full Tank Shot: