Koralia 1950gph or Icecap 3K Gyre


New member
So I'm in the market for a wave maker / circulation pumps. I currently run Jeboa 80's on my 90G and one has crapped out after about 8 months or so , now I don't want to go crazy expensive with either Tunze,maxspect or even vortec as I'm not wanting to invest that much. Now which would you recommend ? Koralia 3 gen with controller or icecap 3k gyre .. anyone have any experience with either .. it's been along time since I had a hydor and hated the clicking .. supposedly 3gen finally fixed that problem... anyone have the maxspect gyre ? And how do you like it ?
Do you have one or two operating? I've noticed the brochures recommended two for counter flow , also how do you have it positioned? Any pics ? Any noise issues as some say in reviews ?
FCM90. Google fix for jeboa. Most of these flow pumps have the same issue. Roger posted the fix. I had 5 wp40s that did not work. Did the fix and all 5 are working great now. Minor design flaw. You might just be wanting to go a different way but if its just because one quit its easy to fix and if nothing else you will have good backup.
i have a gyre and love it also (after working thru some of the hardware issues at the beginning but customer services been great!!!).