Korallin S-1502 Issue


New member
I have been running a Korallin S-1502 BioDenitrator for a year now, and it still has not reduced the NO3 level at all. I followed the instructions exactly. However, every once in a while, I will find that the top of it is filled with air. I think that there may be too many bubbles in my sump at times, and the feeder pump pumps them into the denitrator. Anyway, now the sulpher looks dirty and brown. Should I try to clean it? How do I do so?

Thanks for your post, If your finding that you have air accumulation in the Bio denitrator you will need to increase the flow thru in the denitrator, especially if you smell a rotten egg type smell. The air in the bioDenitrator is not really air but gasses that are release from the sulphur especially if too much is used.

The Sulphur media only lasts for about 6-7 months at that time you want to replace it but depending on your nitrate levels you want to use less than the initial dose. I would not try to clean the media cause you'll need to cycle it again, it usually best to replace it.

I hope this information is helpful.


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