Harlequin Shrimp
I get diver's den alerts in my email, and one alert i overlooked was one for a pair of hawaiian harlequin shrimp.
The hawaiian harlequin shrimp were priced for exactly $299.99.. but here's the kicker,
These are not even hawaiian harlequins.. LA just sold regular H. Elegans for $300 dollars to some guy who didn't know otherwise.
"Ok, so how do we know those are not infact hawaiian?"
There are numerous characteristics that Hawaiians have over regulars in terms of color. H. Elegans, and common H. Pictas can be very color polymorphic based on environment, usually remaining at a pink/blue tint, however Hawaiian H. Picta are not are all. Infact all Hawaiian .pictas are infact the same color pattern. This color pattern is purplish dots, purple lines on their legs darker than usual harlies, with orange tinted antenna, basically this:
This is what LA tried selling instead.
Comparing them, there is no simularity. Hawaiians do not have this color morph, nor is there any odds of both specimens in a pair sharing it. These were not collected in hawaii, and whoever labeled them needs to double check who their collector is cause somebody clearly had no idea who they ordered from.
A Hawaiian Harlequin is infact at the adverage market value of $300 (pair), but for regular harlequins anything over $110 is a rip off. Whoever spent $300 dollars on this pair should ask for a refund and aware LA of their misidentifaction.
The only reason I'm posting this here is because A) I don't want other people here falling for scams like these, I'd like people to know how to properly identify species and select wisely, and B) the LA threads are closed for public posting here so i can't really write feeback to them personally to let them know. I hope that guy eventually realizes and gets the refund he deserves as scams like these are just pitiful and just emphasize how little knowledge a big chain company knows on their lifestock.
You can click the link above to see the actual page listed on March 9th 2016. If the image fails to load just click view larger image.
The hawaiian harlequin shrimp were priced for exactly $299.99.. but here's the kicker,
These are not even hawaiian harlequins.. LA just sold regular H. Elegans for $300 dollars to some guy who didn't know otherwise.
"Ok, so how do we know those are not infact hawaiian?"
There are numerous characteristics that Hawaiians have over regulars in terms of color. H. Elegans, and common H. Pictas can be very color polymorphic based on environment, usually remaining at a pink/blue tint, however Hawaiian H. Picta are not are all. Infact all Hawaiian .pictas are infact the same color pattern. This color pattern is purplish dots, purple lines on their legs darker than usual harlies, with orange tinted antenna, basically this:
This is what LA tried selling instead.
Comparing them, there is no simularity. Hawaiians do not have this color morph, nor is there any odds of both specimens in a pair sharing it. These were not collected in hawaii, and whoever labeled them needs to double check who their collector is cause somebody clearly had no idea who they ordered from.
A Hawaiian Harlequin is infact at the adverage market value of $300 (pair), but for regular harlequins anything over $110 is a rip off. Whoever spent $300 dollars on this pair should ask for a refund and aware LA of their misidentifaction.
The only reason I'm posting this here is because A) I don't want other people here falling for scams like these, I'd like people to know how to properly identify species and select wisely, and B) the LA threads are closed for public posting here so i can't really write feeback to them personally to let them know. I hope that guy eventually realizes and gets the refund he deserves as scams like these are just pitiful and just emphasize how little knowledge a big chain company knows on their lifestock.
You can click the link above to see the actual page listed on March 9th 2016. If the image fails to load just click view larger image.